It’s All About Us
Casbah Records is south London’s premier independent record shop. We dropped anchor at 320-322 Creek Road, Greenwich, SE10 9SW in February of 2009 after trading at the local market for many years.
We are choc-full to the brim with top quality new and vintage vinyl, new cd’s, dvd’s, books, magazines, comics and t’shirts. We may also be the last shop in London to carry a range of 8’track cartridges plus listening facilities!
We cover everything from Rock ‘n’ Roll, R&B, Surf, Soul, Prog, Psych, Folk, Blues, Soundtracks, Reggae, Jazz, Afrobeat, to Hip-Hop, Punk, Electronica and Indie. Phew!
Our specialist areas would be classic 60’s and 70’s Rock & Indie Rock. We take a keen interest in current music and have a great selection of new releases on vinyl and cd plus all the new reissues.
“Up Creek Road Without A Paddle! But like the Cutty Sark unsinkable!”
Sadly we had to shut up shop on the 23rd of March but with a view to re opening when things return to normality, That’s still the plan. In the meantime we’re busy decorating the shop and loading as much stock onto our Discogs page as we can., including new releases and plenty of vintage, collectable vinyl. We keep everyone up to date with our top picks and our unique take on 60’s/70’s pop culture via our Facebook page.
We’ve had a lot support from our regular and new customers, who want to help us through this sticky patch with online sales, lot’s of lovely messages and plenty of good vibes. We really do appreciate it. All good karma.
When the sun does come out again rest assured we’ll be back in business keeping the south London indie flag flying in a better, spruced up and well stocked emporium . So please keep buying our records because we’re nice people.
Peace and Love, Hari Krishna.
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